Private Gymnastics

Private Gymnastics Lessons
-Durango Gymnastics-

Please fill out the form below to request a private gymnastics lesson.

Upon receiving your request form we will post it on our instructors board in the coaches room. Gymnastics instructors then come in and pick up privates as they are available.

*Currently gymnastics lessons are in high demand with limited instructors. PLEASE BE PATIENT and an instructor will be calling or texting you ASAP about setting up a date & time for your lessonYou can register for group lessons here:

Private lesson rates vary based on coach certifications and expertise. Other group rates and timeframes are available upon request.

1 hr private lesson $45-$75

1 hr semi-private (2 children) $55-$85

1 hr small group (3 children) $65-$95

If you have any questions or do not get a call back within a few weeks and are wondering the status of your private please feel free to call the gymnastics front desk (970)375-7393


Phone Number
Okay to text?
Child Name
Child Age
Please indicate the days and times that work best for you.
Skill Level
What would you like to get from the lesson?

Required Fields