Private Swim Lessons

Private Swim Lessons
-Durango Recreation Center-

Please fill out the form below to request a private swim lesson.

Upon receiving your request form we will post it on our swim lesson board in the guardroom. Swim instructors then come in and pick up privates as they are available.

*After re-opening the link for private lessons we have quickly gained another waitlist of around 30 people and everyday the number increases. We have limited instructors who are currently teaching over 65 families total. PLEASE BE PATIENT and an instructor will be calling or texting you ASAP about setting up a date & time for your lesson. For a better chance at lining up your private with you instructor, please list specific availability. If you put "any" instructors are less inclined to pick up your private because we know that's not true. Please provide specific days and times you prefer. Thanks!


If your looking for something more immediate GROUP SWIM LESSONS IS YOUR BEST BET. You can register for group lessons here:


PRICING: 1/2hr lesson $35       Semi Private: $18/per child 1/2hr lesson

If you have any questions or do not get a call back within a few weeks and are wondering the status of your private please feel free to call the aquatics coordinator, Karín Romero at (970) 375-7312.


Phone Number
Okay to text?
Swimmers Name/s
Multiple children is okay to put on one form.
Please indicate the days and times that work best for you.
Swim Ability
What would you like to get from the lesson?

Required Fields